Brandy Close
I grew up in Campbellsville with my parents and twin brothers who are two years younger than me. I graduated from Taylor County High School. Early on I knew I wanted to do something to help kids. After some guidance in high school, I realized that occupational therapy sounded like the perfect fit for me. I went on to school at EKU and was accepted into the occupational therapy program. I fell in love with OT and how hands on it were and how many amazing opportunities there would be for my career and how many different ways I could help others. After graduating with my bachelors in OT, I immediately went back to EKU and got my master’s degree in OT with an emphasis in pediatrics! I was so glad to be able to move back home where I was a school based occupational therapist for 8 years! Towards the end of the 7th year, I began to feel like I needed to do something to reach kids on a different level. I wanted to be more involved with the family aspect of their therapy and be able to make a difference on a different level. Jen and I met while working at Taylor County schools. Both of us had the same desire to help kids on a different level. Once we realized this we knew that God had brought us together for this purpose and The Kid SpOt Center was born. I love The Kid SpOt Center and our mission to help children become as independent as possible. I love working with the families to make sure therapy is carried over in the home so the kids can get the most benefit. As The Kid SpOt has grown I really enjoy the community outreach we are able to do and how we have such an amazing staff that love kids and carry out the Kid SpOt's mission everyday.